


iPhone software 2.0 allegedly unlocked

Apple's not-yet available iPhone 2.0 software has already been cracked -- before it even has shipped. At least that's what a renegade group of developers claimed Tuesday.

The iPhone Dev Team claims to have cracked the software, meaning yet more pressure on Apple Inc. in the cat and mouse game between software developers and the owners of a million unlocked iPhones and the company and its network partners.

The developers claim to have decrypted and have jailbroken the new iPhone software, and have published a series of screenshots of third-party applications running on the device.

The jailbreak currently only works with hacked activation, meaning it won't work with AT&T iPhones yet.

Apple executives have characterized the buoyant global market in unlocked iPhones as a positive thing, suggesting strong pent-up demand for the product, which is as yet available in just four markets: U.S., U.K., Germany and France.